Literature Database Entry
Kai Lennert Bober, Anselm Ebmeyer, Falko Dressler, Ronald Freund and Volker Jungnickel, "LiFi for Industry 4.0: Main Features, Implementation and Initial Testing of IEEE Std 802.15.13," IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, vol. 5, pp. 1625–1636, October 2024.
As industrial communication is developed further to increase flexibility through wireless communication, networked optical wireless communications (OWC), also known as LiFi, emerges as a promising candidate technology due to its unlicensed spectrum and relatively deterministic propagation. The containable nature of light improves security, allows for dense cellular networks with spatial reuse, and leads to less sporadic interference while providing high-capacity short range communication links to mobile end devices. This paper outlines the features of the new IEEE Std 802.15.13-2013 for OWC and presents details of our prototype implementation thereof as well as first experiments. The standard specifies deterministic medium access control (MAC), based on dynamic time division multiple access (TDMA), as well as two physical layers (PHYs) for high reach and robustness and spectral efficiency, respectively. Our prototype includes a central coordinator, realized purely in software, running on commodity server hardware. It connects to distributed ceiling-mounted optical wireless frontends via a packet-switched network (Ethernet) and is able of forming them into adaptive virtual cells on a per-user basis. This approach enables improved reliability through multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission and smooth mobility. We implemented the Pulsed Modulation PHY (PM-PHY) on a commercially available field programmable gate array (FPGA) evaluation board. Initial test results indicate that the PM-PHY covers typical distances of up to 6 m between the ceiling and the mobile device. The MAC can realize zero packet loss besides deterministic latency values below 4 ms. The demonstration of macro diversity, spatial multiplexing and soft-handover will be included in future work.
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Original Version (at publishers web site)
Kai Lennert Bober
Anselm Ebmeyer
Falko Dressler
Ronald Freund
Volker Jungnickel
BibTeX reference
author = {Bober, Kai Lennert and Ebmeyer, Anselm and Dressler, Falko and Freund, Ronald and Jungnickel, Volker},
doi = {10.1109/OJVT.2024.3481884},
title = {{LiFi for Industry 4.0: Main Features, Implementation and Initial Testing of IEEE Std 802.15.13}},
pages = {1625--1636},
journal = {IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = {10},
volume = {5},
year = {2024},
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