Literature Database Entry
Felix Erlacher, Falko Dressler and Jan-Thomas Fischer, "New Insights on a Sensor Network based Measurement Platform for Avalanche Dynamics," Proceedings of International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW 2018), Innsbruck, Austria, October 2018, pp. 31–34.
We present the core concepts of our AvaRange system, a measurement based experimen- tation framework for studying the internal dynamics of avalanches. Snow avalanches are an ever-present reality in alpine regions, which may cause substantial damage to settlements and infrastructure elements. Even though avalanches have been studied for a long time, current modeling techniques of avalanche dy- namics lack a precise description of their internal dynamics. This also holds for recent simulation models and techniques. The core problem is that the mechanics of important physical effects, such as particle-size segregation and phase separation inside the flowing avalanche, are currently invisible to us. In this work, we present selected new results of our AvaRange system. AvaRange is based on radio ranging techniques, which we previously successfully applied to a variety of sensor network applications, to track particles that move with the avalanche. The idea is to place sensor nodes in rugged spheres of varying shape, size, and density; and to deploy them in an avalanche release area. After (artificially) triggering the avalanche, the sensor nodes move with the avalanche and continuously obtain ranging data to determine their relative posi- tion. The obtained data allows to gain insights into particle trajectories and local properties. In this paper, we evaluate the most promising radio based ranging techniques, namely Received Signal Strength (RSS) and Time of Flight (ToF).
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Felix Erlacher
Falko Dressler
Jan-Thomas Fischer
BibTeX reference
author = {Erlacher, Felix and Dressler, Falko and Fischer, Jan-Thomas},
title = {{New Insights on a Sensor Network based Measurement Platform for Avalanche Dynamics}},
pages = {31--34},
address = {Innsbruck, Austria},
booktitle = {International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW 2018)},
month = {10},
year = {2018},
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