Literature Database Entry


Maximilian Lübke, Jonas Fuchs, Anand Dubey, Hussein Hamoud, Falko Dressler, Robert Weigel and Fabian Lurz, "Validation and Analysis of the Propagation Channel at 60 GHz for Vehicular Communication," Proceedings of 94th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2021-Fall), Virtual Conference, September 2021.


The use of millimeter wave communication gets more and more attention with the growth of 5G, particularly with regard to promising applications like platooning or intersection assistant. However, for the design of those applications, a clear understanding of the channel behaviour at these frequencies is mandatory. Aiming to fill the gap of missing channel models for frequencies above 60GHz, this paper investigates the channel characteristics necessary for future vehicular applications. Based on the commercially available channel simulation tool WinProp, Altair, a typical vehicular scenario in the city center of Berlin (Germany) is analysed. The simulation results are verified with channel sounding measurements at 60GHz. Hereby, the depen- dency of the channel with respect to scatterers like trucks and cars is evaluated. Reflection paths were found to be up to 30 dB higher in received power compared to scattering ones. Further, a platooning scene, consisting of 20 vehicles driving towards each other while communicating, is investigated for various time steps and receiver points. In this context, different antenna types are introduced to reduce interfering signals nearby the major transmitter, achieving a decrease in interference power of up to 20 dB.

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Maximilian Lübke
Jonas Fuchs
Anand Dubey
Hussein Hamoud
Falko Dressler
Robert Weigel
Fabian Lurz

BibTeX reference

    author = {L{\"{u}}bke, Maximilian and Fuchs, Jonas and Dubey, Anand and Hamoud, Hussein and Dressler, Falko and Weigel, Robert and Lurz, Fabian},
    doi = {10.1109/VTC2021-Fall52928.2021.9625066},
    title = {{Validation and Analysis of the Propagation Channel at 60 GHz for Vehicular Communication}},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    address = {Virtual Conference},
    booktitle = {94th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2021-Fall)},
    month = {9},
    year = {2021},

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