Literature Database Entry


Jorge Torres Gómez and Nikolaos Pappas, "Age of information (AoI): A Tool for Designing Time-Critical Networks," Tutorial, IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom 2024), Madrid, Spain, July 08, 2024.


Age of information (AoI) concept has gained renewed significance in the research community, emerging as a crucial tool for time-critical applications. AoI-related metrics hold particular relevance for applications requiring real-time data, such as tracking and remote sensing. For instance, internet of things (IoT) networks in healthcare applications rely on timely updates of physiological variables. Similarly, in self-driving applications, rapid updates of vehicle locations are essential to prevent collisions and enable appropriate maneuvers. AoI serves as a key metric for assessing data freshness in communication networks, facilitating the design of time-sensitive networks for applications like remote surgery, industrial remote control, and autonomous vehicles. This tutorial aims to unfold the theoretical foundations of AoI and engage participants in hands-on activities to grasp its fundamentals and applications. The tutorial will explore the conceptual origins of AoI, providing intuitive insights. Practical illustrations will showcase its applicability across diverse domains, including IoT networks, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and the emerging field of molecular networks. Attendees will also receive hands-on training, implementing AoI-related metrics to enhance their understanding of this critical concept.

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Jorge Torres Gómez
Nikolaos Pappas

BibTeX reference

    author = {Torres G{\'{o}}mez, Jorge and Pappas, Nikolaos},
    title = {{Age of information (AoI): A Tool for Designing Time-Critical Networks}},
    howpublished = {Tutorial},
    publisher = {IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom 2024)},
    location = {Madrid, Spain},
    day = {08},
    month = {07},
    year = {2024},

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