Literature Database Entry


Anatolij Zubow, Joana Angjo, Sigrid Dimce and Falko Dressler, "Achieving Resilience in mmWave Communications by Using Non-reconfigurable Reflecting Surfaces," Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2025), Milan, Italy, March 2025. (to appear)


The usage of mmWave spectrum for communication is very promising due to the abundance of available spectrum and excellent spectrum reuse. However, a significant downside is decreased resilience. Communication can be disrupted when the line of sight (LOS) path is temporarily blocked, or the link quality may degrade due to obstacles and environmental factors. These issues are exacerbated by mobility. One possible countermeasure against such signal shadowing and blockage is the use of non-reconfigurable reflecting surfaces (NRRSs). NRRSs enable communication through reflections by creating additional signal paths where the usage of meta-materials allows for flexible angle-independent reflections. This increases the resilience as with sufficient number of reflections through NRRSs, the probability of communication outage is significantly reduced. While intelligent reconfigurable surfaces (IRSs) have the advantage to form a beam directly targeting the user, user-tracking and the need to orchestrate the IRS is very challenging. However, the additional signal paths in NRRS-assisted networks can still be very useful in scenarios characterized by repetitive mobility patters, especially since the cost and complexity are heavily reduced. In this paper we present practical results from measurements in our mmWave band testbed. Results reveal that even with a few NRRSs the resilience of a mmWave communication link could be dramatically improved resulting in close-to-zero packet loss. However, the channel becomes highly frequency-selective which makes the use of advanced physical layers like IEEE 802.11be with adaptive modulation and coding per resource unit (RU) a necessity.

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Anatolij Zubow
Joana Angjo
Sigrid Dimce
Falko Dressler

BibTeX reference

    author = {Zubow, Anatolij and Angjo, Joana and Dimce, Sigrid and Dressler, Falko},
    note = {to appear},
    title = {{Achieving Resilience in mmWave Communications by Using Non-reconfigurable Reflecting Surfaces}},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    address = {Milan, Italy},
    booktitle = {IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2025)},
    month = {3},
    year = {2025},

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